17 Apr 2021 - Simple ear trainer
I wrote a simple app that I wrote to help with ear training. It’s built on top of a fork of Andrey Bundin’s Open Web Piano.
04 Apr 2020 - Fast Poisson Disk Sampling
An implementation of Fast Poisson Disk Sampling in Arbitrary Dimensions by Robert Bridson.
01 Apr 2020 - Test
Testing out Jekyll.
23 Apr 2011 - Quadrilaterals and brown trousers
This week at work, there was a discussion about games that had great vertigo inducing moments. The conversation was dominated by AAA titles from the last couple of years, such as Assassin’s Creed, Fallout 3, and especially Uncharted 2. For me though, none of them match some of the levels from Tomb Raider. Not the any of the recent games (although I do love Crystal Dynamics’ take on the series), but the original, from the now sadly defunct Core Design. You know, back when Lara steered like a tank and advertised Lucozade.
14 Apr 2011 - Spherical harmonics, WTF?
I never really “got” spherical harmonics, there was something about them that just didn’t click for me. A little late to the party, I spent a few evenings recently reading over all the introductory papers I could find. Several times. This post is mostly just a brain dump, made in an effort to get everything straighted out in my head. I did stumble across a few curiosities though…
02 Apr 2011 - Realtime global illumination
I’ve had an idea floating around in my head for several months now, but evening classes, a hard drive failure, then a GPU failure prevented me from doing much about it until this weekend. First, a couple of screenshots of what I’ll be talking about.
10 Feb 2011 - Improved light attenuation
In my previous post, I talked about the attenuation curve for a spherical light source:
31 Jan 2011 - Light attenuation
The canonical equation for point light attenuation goes something like this:
21 Jan 2011 - 4-bit random numbers
While I accept that a toy 4-bit microprocessor probably isn’t a subject that warrant multiple posts, I’m unable to resist. Apologies.
05 Jan 2011 - Micro computing with the GMC-4
“Made it! And with one and a half bytes left to spare!”
23 Dec 2010 - Fighting fireflies
I’ve been playing around with path tracing on and off for longer than I care to admit. Although my dalliances never produced anything earth-shattering (and certainly nothing I’d be willing to post about on ompf), I’ve found it to be an endlessly fascinating subject. No matter how much I read about it, I only ever seem to be scratching the surface.
15 Dec 2010 - Why my fluids don’t flow
I have an unopened copy of Digital Color Management sitting on my desk. It’s staring at me accusingly.
19 Aug 2010 - Why Reinhard desaturates my blacks
I’m doing it wrong.